
Provider identification in accordance with the binding legal requirements in Section 6 of the Teledienstegesetz [German Tele-services Act] and Section 6 of the Mediendienstestaatsvertrag (MDStV) [State contract regarding media services].

Provider / Publisher:

Printing Inks Technology GmbH
Merseburger Straße 371
D-06132 Halle (Saale)

Tel.: 0345 7741-222
Fax.: 0345 7741-333


Authorised representatives: Dr. Matthias Otting (Chairman)

Person responsible for content pursuant to Section 6 MDStV: Dr. Matthias Otting (Chairman)

Liability notice: Despite careful content checks we do not assume any liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked sites are responsible for their contents.

Concept & Development: C. Trömel & B. Zschernack, AGENTUR FORMAT78 GmbH

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